Category: Uncategorized

  • Happy New Year! Are you a New Year’s Resolution kind of person? I tend to like goals and that sort of thing, but we all know how well New Year’s Resolutions work out for 99.9% of us. I recently read the book The 12 Week Year, by Brian Moran and Michael Lennington, and they propose…

  • Celebrate 2024!

    Hello SKC Music Academy students and families!I hope you had a wonderful year. I’m so thankful for all that happened in 2024; as a music school we:• Celebrated our 11th anniversary• Taught over 3000 music lessons• Added three great teachers to our roster• Hosted our first Christmas Jam SessionWe are thankful for EACH of you—definitely…

  • Recital Week!

    Recital Week!

    Hello SKC Music Academy students and families,   It’s recital season at South Kansas City Music Academy!  We LOVE hosting our bi-annual recitals, as it gives our incredible students a chance to show off all they have been learning and to be celebrated by friends and family!  More Recital info can be found HERE.  Please let…

  • Happy Fall, SKC Music Academy students and families!       This month, I want to introduce you to a practice strategy that can help you learn a song quicker, and with less frustration, on the tricky parts: Chaining    Chaining is a highly effective practice technique that involves breaking down a challenging musical phrase into smaller,…

  • Hello music students and families, School is in full swing and we have been enrolling a lot of new students this month!    Welcome to South Kansas City Music Academy: Tracie  –  Leo  –  Asher  –  June  –  Kelsha  –  Kendall Mila  –  Benson  –  Solomon  –  Haven  –  Brynn SKCMA Teacher News SKCMA’s own Karren…

  • Hello KCRB students!     Congratulations to everyone who participated in the recitals last weekend!  I LOVE seeing our students sharing their music onstage–you all did a fantastic job.  Performing can be wonderful, nerve-wracking, terrifying….and everything in between.  I’ve also found it can teach us a lot of important life lessons.  My biggest steps in learning…

  • Practice with a Plan Hello KCRB students!   Last month we began our series on effective practicing strategies by “cutting out friction” that gets in the way of our practice time.  This month, we’ll focus on Practicing with a Plan.  A plan for your practice sessions will keep them effective and efficient.  You’ll feel the great…

  • Hello KCRB students and families!      Over the past month I had several conversations with students and their parents about practicing at home—what that should look like, how to be motivated to do it, and how to practice effectively.  If you are new to music, this can be tricky to figure out!   (And really—even if…

  • This month, we are having “Peer Performances” at KCRB on February 26 and 27.  These are laid-back, casual, mini performances our students will do during the last few minutes of their regular lesson time for one other student and their teacher.   Each student plays something they are working on for this small audience—no need to…

  • Christmas and the holidays are here!  Check out a few gift ideas below for the musician in your life: Gift Ideas for Musicians   Music Stand – you would be amazed at what a difference having a good music stand makes for an effective practice session.  Not having to balance your music on a case or prop…